Happy New Year Everyone !!!!
Distinction December – an absolute whirlwind of a month which was over in a flash. We managed to take a welcomed three-day break in between Christmas & new year during which we had the opportunity to reflect on 2023 and set focus on our 2024 strategy.
Our reflection included some of our key highlights, not limited to but have included:
Developing and launching a revamped retail crystal & fossil website.
Extending Distinction crystal wholesale to a wider client base and launching a small wholesale selection online.
Taking the opportunity first-time post-pandemic to catch up with friends and visit the beautiful town of Saint-Marie Aux Mines in France to attend Europe’s largest Mineral & Gem Show held in the beautiful town of Saint-Marie Aux Mines which brings together the very best of professionals in the mineral, gemstone, and fossil world.
In August we proudly became an Industry Partner of The British Institute of Interior Design, the UK’s only professional Institute for Interior Designers in the UK.
Finally, closing the year with the acquisition and installation of a Distinction crystal machine workshop.
We now look forward to 2024….which is set to be an exciting and important year as we reach a decade in April since the Distinction story began – 10 years already!
We’ve so much planned which will be kept under wraps for now, we look forward to sharing our decennial year with your all,